AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE (on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from october to june)
- Annual fee of 300 € for 1 hour per week (from 3 to 4 pm or from 4 to 5 pm)
- Annual fee of 600 € for 2 hours per week (from 3pm to 5pm)
It is possible to combine child care AND extracurricular activities.
In case of emergency , occasional registration is possible (10.00 euros/hour). The request for enrolment must reach the office by 4 p.m. on the previous day (+32 470 01 96 97 - periscolaire.berkendael@apeee-bxl1-services.be). Please also inform your child's teacher of this change via his/her diary. Maximum 2 requests. After that, registration will be required.